
Author FAQs

What's It Like to Build Quests?

Let's start by being honest--it's not easy. Like making a movie, you'll need to first script your module and commit your ideas to paper. Then, you'll need to decide on all of your actors (characters), your scene locations and what happens when a player's adventuring party interacts within your scene. Then, of course, there are monsters and area objects (such as tables, chests, pillars, trees and such) to select, possessions for the party to find, game master interactions to simulate, etc. At first, it can all seem quite daunting.

But we're here to help! We'll provide a complete author's guide, sample episode and script template you can follow to help build your quest. We're already creating the many image and music elements you'll need, and we have a small collection of online forms you can use to enter all your content. We've also started a Discord server dedicated to BrowserQuests™ so you can regularly check-in with the platform developer and other authors who are busy building their own quests. So, browse through our FAQs below and give the idea of building a quest, module or even entire campaign some serious thought!