Those creatures that can float, soar or otherwise fly are collectively known as "skyflies":
- Armor Class: 18
- Hit Dice: 8
- Attacks:
- Engulfing Body (1d6) + Level Drain
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Sleep
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Immune to Normal Weapons
- Immune to Cold
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 12
- Experience Points: 945
Description: Amalgams are a type of undead that form when the spirits of numerous magic-using creatures who died in close proximity mingle together. They are typically hateful of the living and attack by engulfing a target with their amalgamated "body" doing 1d6 of cold damage and draining a level from the victim. They can also cast magic-user spells. Like all undead, amalgams can be turned by clerics and are immune to sleep, charm and hold magic. Due to their incorporeal nature, they cannot be harmed by non-magical weapons.
- Armor Class: 18
- Hit Dice: 10 + 2
- Attacks:
- Breath Weapon (Acid 10 HD)
- Hold Person
- Claws (1d8)
- Claws (1d8)
- Bite (2d12)
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 1800
Description: Black dragons prefer to ambush their targets using their surroundings as cover, often choosing to hide underwater. Black dragons are more cruel than white dragons but are still motivated mostly by the urge to live, breed and collect treasure. In addition to their claws, bite and acidic breath weapons, they can also cast up to third level magic-user spells.
- Armor Class: 17
- Hit Dice: 9 + 2
- Attacks:
- Breath Weapon (Cold 9 HD)
- Hold Person
- Claws (1d4)
- Claws (1d4)
- Bite (2d8)
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 610
Description: White dragons prefer to live in cold regions, whether in the highest mountains or in the cold northern lands. They are the least intelligent of dragons and motivated mostly by the urge to live, breed and collect treasure. In addition to their claws, bite and cold-based breath weapon, they can also cast up to third level magic-user spells.
- Armor Class: 19
- Hit Dice: 7 + 2
- Attacks:
- Touch (3d6) + Level Drain
- Chilling Wail
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Sleep
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Immune to Normal Weapons
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 800
Description: Banshees are to the fey what ghosts, wraiths and spectres are to humans. They usually resemble colorless, ash-white elves in ragged clothing or chains, and while they understand whatever languages they spoke in life, they rarely speak, instead sobbing uncontrollably (their wail so powerful that it can render unconscious and even kill those who hear it). The touch of a banshee does 3d6 points of damage and potentially drains a level, and because they are incorporeal undead, they can only be hit by magical weapons.
- Armor Class: 20
- Hit Dice: 7 + 2
- Attacks:
- Breath Weapon (Acid, 7 HD)
- Claws (1d6)
- Claws (1d6)
- Bite (2d10)
- Special Defenses:
- Mindless
- Half Damage vs. Edged Weapons
- Resistance to Ammunition
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Immune to Sleep
- Immune to Fear
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 1200
Description: Essentially an undead form of regular black dragon, it attacks primarily with its acidic breath weapon, which is quite potent even for its undead status. Like other forms of undead, it is immune to sleep, charm and hold spells, and can be turned by clerics (as a Spectre).
- Armor Class: 20
- Hit Dice: 12 + 10
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Resistance to Ammunition
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Immune to Fear
- Fire (magical)
- Immune to Normal Weapons
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 10
- Experience Points: 1975
Description: Fire elementals are monsters of pure fire and hence incinerate anything they touch. They do take double damage from any water-based attack and cannot cross bodies of water larger than themselves.
- Armor Class: 14
- Hit Dice: 2
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 75
Description: Giant bats have a wingspan of 15 feet and weigh about 200 pounds. They have the same sensory abilities as normal-sized bats, but being much larger they are able to directly attack adventurer-sized prey.
- Armor Class: 13
- Hit Dice: 1
- Attacks:
- Stinger (1d4) + Weak Poison
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 9
- Experience Points: 13
Description: Although many times larger (growing to a length of about a foot), giant bees behave generally the same as their smaller cousins. Giant bees are usually not aggressive except when defending themselves or their hive.
- Armor Class: 14
- Hit Dice: 2
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 75
Description: Giant flies look much like ordinary houseflies but are about three feet long. Some are banded yellow and black, and can thus be mistaken for giant bees. Giant flies are predators; after killing their prey, they will sometimes lay eggs in the remains.
- Armor Class: 11
- Hit Dice: 4
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 9
- Experience Points: 50
Description: Giant mosquitos swarm victims by the dozen and thus are challenging when encountered. A successful attack not only causes damage but attaches the insect to the victim, draining an additional 1d4 points of damage each round until the mosquito is defeated.
- Armor Class: 16
- Hit Dice: 5
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 360
Description: Giant praying mantises are greatly camouflaged, moving slowly and waiting motionless for hours to attack and devour their prey. The mandibles of these large beasts are quite sharp, doing 1d12 points of damage per successful bite.
- Armor Class: 15
- Hit Dice: 4 + 1
- Attacks:
- Stinger (1d6) + Unconscious
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 10
- Experience Points: 280
Description: Giant wasps attack when hungry or threatened, stinging its prey; stung victims must make a saving throw vs. Poison or be rendered unconscious (immediately losing all hit points).
- Armor Class: 17
- Hit Dice: 8 + 1
- Attacks:
- Monstrous Flames (3d6 +4)
- Cause Fear
- Special Defenses:
- Mindless
- Resistance to Ammunition
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Immune to Fear
- Fire (magical)
- Immune to Normal Weapons
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 12
- Experience Points: 945
Description: Appearing as fire elementals but something entirely different, hellions are spawned from the Realm of Nightmares (and hence considered an infernal as well) and were the ultimate scourge upon Mairigan during the Age of Damnation ten centuries ago. Hellions are quite fearsome monsters, attacking not only with their flesh-incinerating flames but with a sad, painful, soul-draining wail that causes fear as well.
- Armor Class: 16
- Hit Dice: 2
- Attacks:
- Poisonous Stinger (1d2) + Unconscious
- Charm Person
- Special Defenses:
- Regeneration (1 hp/round)
- Immune to Poison
- Immune to Cold
- Immune to Fire
- Immune to Electricity
- Immune to Normal Weapons
- Save As: Cleric
- Morale: 7
- Experience Points: 125
Description: Known as an "infernal" that dwells within the Realm of Nightmares, imps are very small, bat-winged humanoid creatures that stand about two feet tall with a poisonous, dagger-like tail. Imps can detect magic, become invisible and charm person, and are immune to poison, cold, fire and electrical attacks. Magical weapons are required to harm an imp, the creatures able to regenerate one lost hit point per round during combat as well.
- Armor Class: 13
- Hit Dice: 4
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Near-Immunity to ALL Weapons
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 11
- Experience Points: 280
Description: Insect swarms are not a single creature but rather a large group of ordinary flying, crawling and biting insects moving as a unit. Any living creature attacked by such a swarm automatically suffers a small amount of damage each round exposed. Further, weapons (even magical ones) only cause a single hit point of damage per hit, so insect swarms can be challenging when encountered.
- Armor Class: 18
- Hit Dice: 6 + 1
- Attacks:
- Bite (2d4)
- Claws (1d4)
- Claws (1d4)
- Barbed Projectiles (3d6)
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 9
- Experience Points: 555
Description: Manticores appear as overgrown lions with thick leathery wings and a terrifying face. Their tail ends in an assortment of spikes that the beast fires as projectiles (typically three per round). Manticores are about ten feet long and weigh half a ton, and are vicious predators, having a preference for human flesh.
- Armor Class: 13
- Hit Dice: 5
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 360
Description: Essentially giant-sized pterodactyls, pteranodons have a wingspan of 25-30 feet and are skilled predators known for attacking entire adventuring parties.
- Armor Class: 17
- Hit Dice: 6
- Attacks:
- Touch (2d6) + Level Drain
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Sleep
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Immune to Normal Weapons
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 11
- Experience Points: 610
Description: Spectres are weightless ghostly monsters who died violently and now haunt the location of their passing. Like a wraith, if a spectre touches a living creature (and fails a saving throw vs. Death Ray or Poison), that creature suffers one level of energy drain. Like all undead, spectres may be turned by clerics and are immune to sleep, charm and hold magic. Due to their incorporeal nature, spectres cannot be harmed by non-magical weapons.
- Armor Class: 13
- Hit Dice: 1
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 9
- Experience Points: 37
Description: Ranging from rust-red to reddish-brown in color with a dirty yellow underside, stirges are about one feet long and have a wingspan of about two feet. When a stirge attacks and successfully hits a creature, it attaches and automatically hits each round thereafter, draining blood equal to 1d4 damage.
- Armor Class: 20
- Hit Dice: 7
- Attacks:
- Charm Person (no limits)
- Claws (1d4)
- Claws (1d4)
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Sleep
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Immune to Normal Weapons
- Immune to Electricity
- Immune to Poison
- Half Damage vs. Acid
- Half Damage vs. Cold
- Half Damage vs. Fire
- Save As: Fighter/MU
- Morale: 7
- Experience Points: 800
Description: Another type of infernal, a succubus is a female demonic entity who, in her natural form, appears as a beautiful winged humanoid temptress. While natural spellcasters, their favorite means of attack is with a simple kiss, which charms its victims into perceiving the creature as not a threat. Succubi are immune to lightning and poison, and only take half-damage from acid, cold or fire-based attacks. Magical weapons are required to hit a succubus in combat.
- Armor Class: 17
- Hit Dice: 9 + 8
- Attacks:
- Whip (2d6) + Fiery Body Heat
- Cause Fear (no limits)
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Normal Weapons
- Immune to 1st/2nd Level Spells
- Half Damage vs. Fire
- Half Damage vs. Electricity
- Half Damage vs. Cold
- Save As: Fighter/MU
- Morale: 10
- Experience Points: 1225
Description: Extremely powerful "Infernals" (creatures from the Realm of Nightmares) that resemble winged humanoid figures made of fire and darkness, vegas are also among the most dishonorable and cruel of all creatures. Accomplished magic-users, vegas prefer to attack with strong, terrible whips, which they use to pull their victims close enough to let the heat radiating from their bodies burn them for another 3d6 points of damage. They are only affected by magical weapons and third level spells or greater, and take only half damage from fire, lightning and cold.
- Armor Class: 15
- Hit Dice: 4
- Attacks:
- Touch (1d6) + Level Drain
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Sleep
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Immune to Normal Weapons
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 12
- Experience Points: 320
Description: Wraiths are incorporeal creatures born of evil and darkness. In some cases, the grim silhouette of a wraith might appear armored or outfitted with weapons, an appearance from the monster's past mortal life. If a wraith touches a living creature (and fails a saving throw vs. Death Ray or Poison), that creature suffers one level of energy drain. Like all undead, wraiths may be turned by clerics and are immune to sleep, charm and hold magic. Due to their incorporeal nature, wraiths cannot be harmed by non-magical weapons.
- Armor Class: 18
- Hit Dice: 5
- Attacks:
- Breath Weapon (Acid, 5 HD)
- Claws (1d4)
- Claws (1d4)
- Bite (2d6)
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 600
Description: Young black dragons prefer to ambush their targets using their surroundings as cover, often choosing to hide underwater. Black dragons are more cruel than white dragons but are still motivated mostly by the urge to live, breed and collect treasure. Unlike their more mature brethren, young black dragons cannot yet cast spells.
- Armor Class: 12
- Hit Dice: 0 + 2
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Immune to Sleep
- Resistance to Ammunition
- Slowness
- Half Damage vs. Blunt Weapons
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 12
- Experience Points: 5
Description: Like "normal" zombies, these undead chickens are slow but move silently, are rather strong and must be literally hacked to pieces to "kill" them. They take only half damage from blunt weapons and only a single point from arrows, bolts or sling stones (plus any magical bonus). Chicken zombies never have Initiative and always act last in any given round. Like all undead, they may be Turned by Clerics and are immune to sleep, charm and hold magic.